4 Services That OHIP Covers for Seniors

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Millions of Ontario residents rely on OHIP for health care coverage. Perhaps none other than seniors and this segment of the population is growing. In fact, seniors make up the largest demographic group in Canada. By 2041, its believed that seniors will make up about 25% of Ontario’s population. They need to stay healthy and get the proper care when they need it. 

It’s no secret that seniors require more care than younger people. Therefore, OHIP benefits increase for seniors. They are afforded more extensive care. However, there is still some confusion among Ontarians about what is and is not included in OHIP coverage for seniors. Below we outline the main services that OHIP covers for seniors:

Prescription Drugs

When you retire, it’s common for many people to no longer have access to employer benefits. But you will continue to have access to coverage through OHIP for prescription drugs. Seniors are entitled to be part of the Ontario Drug Benefit Program (ODBP). This covers you for thousands of prescription drugs. It also offers some coverage for medical supplies. 

Get more information about the Ontario Drug Benefit Program. If you have questions about what is covered, speak to our pharmacists. We are happy to provide you with more information about what is covered by OHIP.

Home Care Services

As we age our mobility slows down. It becomes more challenging to take care of the house and take care of ourselves. Home care services ensure seniors have access to assistance when they need it and it’s covered through OHIP. You can get assistance with a variety of activities such as cooking, cleaning, and even bathing. This type of service allows you to live independently for longer.


Physiotherapy is commonly required by seniors for a variety of reasons. You could be recovering from an injury, or surgery, have a pre-existing condition, or simply need some support to remain healthy and mobile. OHIP will cover physiotherapy services for seniors over 65 as long as they have a referral from a doctor. You’ll be able to meet with a physiotherapist to assess your needs and create a treatment plan that is customized to your specific needs.

Vision Care

As people age, their vision can become an issue. So, it becomes more important to have regular eye care appointments. The good news is seniors are covered for vision care through OHIP. They will cover a visit to the optometrist every 12 months. It will also cover any follow-up visits. 

It’s important to keep in mind that OHIP doesn’t cover everything, and exclusions can apply. What is and is not covered by OHIP can change over time. Make sure you stay up to date with information about what OHIP will cover. If you are not sure if you have coverage, speak to your doctor or registered healthcare professional.

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