What To Do in Case You Missed Your Prescription for The Day?

It is common for people to unintentionally forget to take their prescription. It happens every day to people across the country. It can slip our mind, you get home later than expected, or you get sidetracked by something else. It happens. The severity and potential implications of missing a dose will depend on your medication […]
How To Keep Yourself Immune From The Seasonal Flu

Flu season comes every year with thousands of Canadians contracting the virus. While the bulk of the attention is on COVID-19 right now, and justifiably so, it is still important to take steps to keep yourself immune from the seasonal flu. A lot of the measures put into place to reduce spread of the pandemic […]
What Prescriptions Covered by OHIP?

The access to health care and medications when we need them is a huge advantage of living in Canada. In Ontario, we are fortunate to have access to medical care, including prescriptions through the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). While you have access to coverage for many different types of prescriptions, you are not covered […]
What is Telehealth? How is it Useful?

The way healthcare is delivered continues to evolve. Traditionally, patients book an appointment with their family doctor or healthcare practitioner and they have an in-person appointment at a medical office or clinic. New technological developments have changed how we interact with medical professionals. We can now access medical care using our phones, computers, and other […]